
December 28, 2011

Things I want to steal...from my parents

During Christmas break I took a little time to comprise a list of things I want permanently borrow from my parents. Over the years they've amassed quite a collection of antique, vintage, random and just plain 'cool' stuff. Most of it is always free too! How do they get so lucky?

First up is this desk chair. I have no idea where they got it (I know for a fact they didn't buy it). I think it's even better than Pottery Barn's Armless version for $399. The only downside is that we can't figure out if it's adjustable. We assume that is has to, but without a wrench and can of WD40, we have yet to find out. I still want it, so if anyone if driving down south soon and wants to transport it, let me know!

The thing I most want to steal is this Baccellieri Brothers Wine Press. I did some cursory research on it, but really couldn't find too much. There is one for sale on Craigslist in NY and I did find a blog post on it. When I saw it on my parent's porch, I realized that they were planning on getting rid of it! What a crime. I told them they better put it back inside until I can figure out how to get it down here. Sadly, there is no direct family history to this wine press - it was left behind by the previous owner of my grandparents house in Queens. They bought the house in the late 60's, so it has to be older than that. I'm thinking it would work really well in a bare corner of our dining room.

The next two items are things I don't necessarily want right now, but I've offically put 'dibs' on them. Like this antique dresser from my grandparent's basement, which my mom refinished years ago:

Haven't yet mentioned to my mom that I want to steal some of her plates (shhhhhh), but ever since I discovered this plate wall idea, I've been mentally collecting ideas.

Plate Walls:

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