
March 9, 2012

Here's to Hoping...

I've been mildly obsessed with bar carts lately. In a perfect world I would stumble across a beautiful, antiqued, wooden one (like this):

Alas, perfect worlds do not exist, so I thought I would build one to look like this:

As I was scanning the estate sale list for this weekend, I happened to serendipitously come across this brass & glass cart:

Just try and picture it without the mounds of bizarre ceramic knicknacks! The lines are clean, the wheels are awesome and the possibilities are endless. I am trying so hard not to get my hopes up. The sale began today and it's very possible that the cart will be gone by tomorrow morning. A big factor would also be the price - I don't want to spend much on bar cart that would require a makeover. So, long story short, cross your fingers for me and I'll let you know if I can bring this thing home! 

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